Financial Disclosure

Since we talk about investing, other financial information, make recommendations and other information on this site, I thought it might be a good idea to make a disclosure statement.  Our promise to you is to put our viewers, readers and audience first.  A business or money will never come first.  If you every have any questions, please contact us.  Also we always recommend you do research before buying or investing in anything we talk about or recommend.


I was in the investment business for eight year and no longer in the business.  While I do follow the market everyday and stay involved, the information I give is for entertainment purposes only.  When you invest money, you can loose all your investment.  It is your responsibility to follow through with research of companies or plans that we bring up on this website.

Product Reviews

We do not get paid for product reviews.  Some products we buy and others are sent to us.  We try to be as professional as possible with our reviews by pointing out things we like and don’t like about a product.  Sometime we do not perform long term product reviews.  Most of our reviews are to just bring awareness to a product.  We will not recommend a product to anyone unless this is a product we would buy ourselves.


We do have affiliate programs we work with.  Again the reader, viewer and audience come first.  A commission of a product will never out weight our desire to be honest and upfront with anything.  We join affiliates for product or companies we believe in.

Sponsored Posts

We do not make it a habit of posting sponsored post.  If we ever do post a sponsored post, we will make sure you are aware of the post right away.  The only way we would do a sponsored post is if the idea of the post is for information purposes only, something to help the readers, viewers and audience.