Baking soda, the versatile wonder! It’s a product that seems to have stood the test of time, appearing in various forms like toothpaste, carpet cleaner, laundry detergent, and even air freshener. So, what exactly is baking soda? In simple terms, it’s sodium bicarbonate, but if you’re interested in the detailed chemistry, you can explore Wikipedia’s insights on sodium bicarbonate. However, let’s not dwell on the history of baking soda. Instead, let’s delve into the top 10 uses for this incredible substance (even though there are countless applications).
Top 10 Uses For Baking Soda
Use as an Antacid
We’ve all experienced those moments of regret after consuming something that’s now causing discomfort in our stomachs. It’s a humorous realization that comes with aging. In younger years, regrets might involve heavy drinking, but as I’ve grown older, it’s often related to what I’ve eaten. Baking soda serves as a safe and effective antacid to alleviate heartburn. Personally, I mix a small amount in a glass of water, but it’s essential to follow the correct directions as outlined on the product packaging.
Treat Insect Bites & Itchy Skin
While I haven’t personally tested it on mosquito bites, I’ve found baking soda to be quite effective for bee stings. Creating a paste with a bit of baking soda and water and applying it to the bee sting area helps ensure the stinger is removed. Although it may not alleviate the pain significantly, it’s useful for the extraction process. Additionally, for itch relief, I recommend shaking some baking soda into your hand and rubbing it onto damp skin after a bath or shower.
Gently Clean Baby Clothes
Babies have incredibly sensitive skin, as we discovered when our son developed red blotches. To address this, we switched to a gentle detergent and occasionally utilized baking soda. This not only kept his clothes clean and pleasantly scented but also helped protect his delicate skin. For stubborn stains, consider adding 1/2 cup of baking soda to your liquid laundry detergent, or include it in the rinse cycle for effective deodorization.
Deodorize Your Refrigerator
Using baking soda to absorb odors in the fridge is a classic trick, and it’s something I vividly recall from my childhood. It consistently proved effective. However, I once made a mistake in college. After moving into my apartment, I placed a box in the fridge and forgot about it for two years. Lesson learned: it’s essential to replace the box every couple of months for optimal odor absorption.
Deodorize Trashcans
This is particularly crucial for parents dealing with stinky diapers. Our go-to method is placing a bit of baking soda in the bottom of the trash can. With each new bag we put in, a little baking soda goes in at the bottom as well. While it may not be a cure-all, it does a commendable job most of the time.
Deodorize Drains
Our old drains have a tendency to emit unpleasant odors. We’ve experimented with various solutions to clean and prevent them from smelling foul, and baking soda appears to be the remedy. Although its effects are not long-lasting, it proves beneficial when added at night or during periods of inactivity. Simply pour 1/2 cup of baking soda down the drain while running warm tap water—it effectively neutralizes both acid and basic odors, leaving you with a fresh-smelling drain.
Deodorize Shoes
Dealing with stinky shoes is a common woe for many. While most people may not face this issue, here’s a handy trick to eliminate odors from your kids’ shoes. Simply shake a bit of baking soda into the shoes, and bid farewell to that unpleasant smell. This method generally works well for most shoes, but in cases of particularly stubborn odors, it might be challenging to completely eliminate the smell. Just be sure to shake out the powder before wearing the shoes—unless, of course, you’re playing a prank on your kids!
Baking soda is a versatile and essential item for any camping trip. Its uses extend to brushing your teeth, soothing bug bites, cleaning dishes, washing hands, and even freshening up your tent to eliminate any lingering odors. This multi-purpose ingredient can be a handy companion for various camping needs, adding convenience to your outdoor adventures.
Clean Coffee and Tea Pots
Cleaning stains from coffee pots and mugs can be a challenging task, but baking soda proves to be a valuable ally in the process. While it won’t magically remove stains without some effort, a mixture of 1/4 cup baking soda in 1 quart of warm water can significantly assist in cleaning. This solution, coupled with a bit of elbow grease, can work wonders in restoring the shine to your coffee-related items.
OK, maybe this one is to straight forward, but come on, what else would you expect.
Funny thing about this list is that this is only a fraction of things you can do with Baking Soda.